25 June 2011

Shewolf @ (fd)

Knowing that the Hair Fair 2011 was coming up very soon, I had planned not to buy any new hairs but when I saw Shewolf at (fd) this morning, I just had to get it right away!  I am not sure how long Shewolf as actually been on sale but I cannot believe I missed such a great style. Here it is shown in both Peanut (above) and Salt (below) both from the Earth Color pack, which contains 8 fabulous colors.

What I love about Shewolf is how messy the hair looks making it great to wear with casual outfits.  It is designed with the hair cut into various lengths around the whole style, with the left side a little longer than the right and a messy layered fringe.  It is available in three different color packs, each containing 8 colors.  Follow the link below to Fashionably Dead to try on the demo's and check out the other amazing styles.

Shewolf from Fashionably Dead (fd)

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